The EMID Families group held a meeting on the evening of 31 January 2008 at Crosswinds. About 20 parents were in attendance, including a few staff members who are also parents.
Lengthy discussion of ideas and how the various talents and expertise represented in the room could best be used resulted in the formation of four subgroups, focusing on:
District 622
Open enrollment, transportation, looking toward the future (and all that might entail). There is some energy surrounding 622 board members for the future. This group will by its nature eventually change focus, one possibility is to work with individual member districts as they identify needs that EMID families can meet.
Focus will be determined by what is identified by EMID administrative staff/board/member districts and any district lobbyists (I think St. Paul has their own on contract?). For immediate future, will be inviting MDE representative who was contacted by 622 to come meet with the subgroup, to clearly explain MDE's current interpretation of deseg rule requirements related to collaboration and to discuss what is already known about upcoming rule changes. This group will change focus quickly in response to legislative topics/schedule.
Promotion of EMID schools and programming, courting of additional member districts, providing whatever admin staff determines is needed. Emphasis will be determined by EMID admin/board/member districts, will need plenty of guidance on walking the tightrope with member districts in regards to recruitment, etc. Must coordinate with the tremendous efforts you both put into developing relationships with member districts.
EMID Coordination
Provide the critical link between EMID Families and: Site Councils, EMID Administrative Staff, EMID Board, EMID Member District Boards and district diversity staff. Obtain guidance from all these stakeholders and coordinate efforts, making EMID Families resources available for whatever and wherever we can be of best use to increase the health of EMID.

EMID Families meeting face to face!
Please come Thursday January 31st
6-7:30pm at Crosswinds Middle School
A sign will be on the door directing you to the meeting room.
free child care available
students should bring homework
light snacks provided
We will compile questions to send to EMID Superintendent, Dr. Carl Wahlstrom.
Bring your list of questions.
Please forward agenda item ideas to Bill Droesler at